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"For the development of the Americas through knowledge."

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The Ibero-American Institute for the Defense of Human Rights and Legal Sciences (IIDHCJ) was born with the statutory mandate of strengthening knowledge for the development of the Americas , through academic research.

The Objective of the IIDDHCJ is to carry out academic research in the field of Human Rights, investigative journalism and Legal Sciences, offering educational services in Law Degrees with Specialties in Human Rights, Criminology, Criminalistics, Psychology, Investigative Journalism and Legal Sciences , in Master's, Doctorate and Post-Doctorate modalities in order to carry out research protocols for their dissemination, thus generating the creation of a doctoral faculty to be able to contribute to legislative work and development of public policies in the aforementioned areas.



La Misión de la IIDHJ es contribuir al desarrollo de la humanidad mediante la investigación académica en el área de las Ciencias Sociales  y el reconocimiento a la trayectoria de personalidades que busquen contribuir al desarrollo y bienestar de la comunidad internacional.


The Vision is the consolidation of practices that dignify the human person in all its aspects.


Service, the development of knowledge, the promotion of truth and respect for Human Rights are the guiding axes of the actions of the IIDDHCJ, through the phrase: “FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE AMERICAS THROUGH KNOWLEDGE.”

The Structure of the IIDDHCJ is made up of an Academic Structure, and an Honorary Structure, the first is made up for the educational offer in formal education to teach Bachelors, Masters, Doctorates and Post-Doctorates, as well as the creation of the Doctoral Academic Faculty, the The second structure will be formed by an Advisory Council made up of the Academic Director of the IIDDHCJ, the President of the Advisory Council, a Most Excellent First Grand Instructor and a Most Excellent Second Grand Instructor, the latter two will be represented by personalities who have been recognized as Doctors Honoris Causa.

The IIDDHCJ recognizes civil and government work in favor of the promotion and defense of Human Rights, Public Security actions, Crime Prevention, promotion of the Culture of Peace, health and medicine actions in all its modalities that have contributed a benefit to humanity, Humanitarian aid, Actions of Honor in favor of the Civilian population, commercial actions that benefit the civil population, actions in favor of the sea, flora, fauna of the environment, social service actions, community help, actions of civil protection, accompaniment to victims, investigative journalistic work - photography, actions in favor of the culture of peace, the culture of native peoples and fine arts (music, ballet, painting, plastic arts among others) that contribute to the cultural development of its national and Latin American identity, the strengthening of the family, children and adolescents, women and government actions that dignify the human person, these actions must be carried out for more than 15 years.

The IIDDHCJ has an Honoris Causa Doctoral Faculty in order to recognize, through an HONORABLE DOCTORATE, the recognition of personalities who have strengthened the Americas in each nation where they work.

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